This is an ideal time to study online! Course 1 of our professional certification program is entirely online, with support from your mentor, access to the popular, weekly community of practice calls and Facebook private group, and approximately 50 hours of rich content to keep you engaged with your body and your learning. There are a couple of assignments that suggest you need a practice partner, but if this is not accessible to you right now there are lots of ways to engage with the learning on your own.
Foundations of Somatic Sex Education is a stand-alone course, even if you have no intentions of continuing on to complete certification, this is a rich opportunity to do some of your own personal work around sex and sexuality in the comfort of your own home!
Corinne works together with a team of world-class educators to deliver the Somatic Sex Educator professional training.
In this module, you will be introduced to the core concepts of Transformative Justice, a theory of change rooted in Indigenous systems of governance and BIPOC queer feminist thought. You will be introduced to the modality of Loving Justice, a somatic approach to Transformative Justice and conflict mediation developed by SSE and Institute faculty member Kai Cheng Thom.
This unit you will have a chance to focus on the readings and somatic learnings that particularly interest you. Receive guidance and talk about your goals with a faculty member, and consider how and whether you want to proceed with the study of somatic sex education.